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I just came back from a brisk winter walk.  It was perfect with fresh snow, bright sunshine and no winter winds.  While enjoying nature I determined it was an ideal time to pen a quick update to keep you informed on CLC’s accomplishments last year and our plans for 2022, as spring is just around the corner.

CLC experienced many positives during 2021.  Let’s take a look back.

  • Our members, Board and volunteers were actively engaged all year long.We ended the year with a solid 234 members and nine active Board Members who met in person six times during the year with numerous phone meetings added in to address matters between formal meetings.
  • Our strong membership, additional contributions for AIS education, prevention and remediation coupled with a thoughtful eye on our spending maintains our solid financial position. In fact, our ability to take on new projects is more dependent upon our ability to recruit volunteers than on our financial resources.
  • The completion of the transfer of the property next to the public access to the DNR was a great success for our organization and the future of Cedar Lake.
  • On the administrative/communication front we transferred the operation of our website to our own control so we can update its content more quickly and added the ability to pay dues on the website through PayPal.
  • On the AIS work, we continue to do our best to prevent “bad things” from entering our lake with as much prevention as we can muster. So far, invasive species plant life has not invaded our waters but unfortunately, we did discover the early infestation of zebra mussels in our ecosystem.  After searching the lake with many dedicated volunteers, we found a few zebra mussels in various locations on the lake making remediation treatment not possible. We were surprised by the discovery by observant CLC members in July as all our persistent, regular testing (including the DNR’s testing) had not shown any evidence of zebra mussels.  We will remain on top of this matter and do all we can to control the spread. As experts have told us, zebra mussels aren’t really good or bad for the lake, they will just change the lake over time. We will diligently anticipate and monitor these changes on everyone’s behalf.
  • Safety is a rising factor for our attention as the lake becomes busier.We coordinate closely with the Aitkin County Sheriff on monitoring boat safety for the benefit of all.
  • We had a great in person annual meeting with over 50 members in attendance.

As we enter 2022, our priorities won’t change.  We will continue to work to grow membership by earning your support through solid outcomes and open, regular communications.  As mentioned, we do have a couple of additional programs we would like to start but only if we can engage the volunteers needed for the work. So, please let us know if you would like to assist us in preserving the beauty of Cedar Lake and its ecosystem. Our focus on conservation, AIS education and prevention will continue to drive our effort.  For example, see the attached application we sent to the DNR for funding to protect our wonderful habitat for loons.  If we are successful in securing this funding, we will need a small committee to work on this project.

Our ability to communicate quickly and efficiently is improved if we have your email addresses. Using email to communicate with you saves CLC printing/postage costs and ensures timely communications no matter where you might be during various seasons.  To illustrate, last summer as the zebra mussel matter emerged, we used our email distribution list to keep you apprised as information became available. Know CLC does not share its email roster nor does it allow for “outside” solicitations. Make sure we have your electronic address so you don’t miss updates! Another way to stay connected is through our website.  It’s regularly updated so visit often for the latest news and to pay your 2022 dues.


Our annual Fishing Challenge begins on February 1st.  You can find the details/rules on our website under the Get Involved tab.  So, for you ice fisher-people keep pictures of your big catches and enter them in the Challenge AND be sure to always pack out your debris.

In closing, we are in a good position to continue protecting Cedar Lake.  Thanks for all your support.  Make sure to ask the Board any question you might have.  We appreciate hearing from you so we can continue to earn your support.  You can leave questions or suggestions for the Board at cedarlakeaitkin@gmail.com.

Minnesota Loon Restoration Project Letter_Cedar Lake